IDetect’s new 5” x 5” front window sticker is the perfect way to let your patrons know that you are protecting your facility with one of our state-of-the-art ID Scanners, and to have their ID out and ready to scan.
“WE ID” is clearly displayed, and “Have ID Ready Before Entering This Facility” telling patrons to remove their ID from their wallet or purse.
This goes a long way to speeding up the line, and processing id’s for entry much faster, as well as a deterrent for the wrong clientele; most will leave the line for entry as soon as they see the IDetect sticker. Available with front adhesive for clients that need to install the sticker inside their front door or window, or back adhesive to install on the outside. The sticker is free and automatically included with the purchase of any of our many ID scanners. New clients should state whether they would like the front or back adhesive.
Meet industry leader, Michael Sengstaken of IDetect is the longest running and largest manufacturer of ID Scanners that goes further than most: It verifies an ID and is used by the FBI, Dept. of Justice, the Air Force, The Wynn Las Vegas, The Secret Service and E11EVEN, Miami. Having been in business for 25 plus years with over 5,000 systems in use, ACE National wanted to learn more about this ED Gentlemen’s Club Expo Vendor because it’s one of the few systems we’ve discovered that provides proof of ID validity. “IDetect ID Scanning Products has the ability to tie into state or local governmental databases to verify that scanned ID data is legitimate. Given access to the state database, this would help with the new Florida law and could also help in places where dancers and other club workers are required to have licenses,” says Larry Kaplan, Executive Director for the Michigan State Chapter of ACE. “IDetect has a feature I think could be instrumental in forging positive relationships between many of our clubs and law enforcement and local governments...” We interviewed founder Michael Sengstaken to learn more:“IDetect began in late 1989 when a previous company that I owned was approached by a merchant in the same city that our office was located. He inquired if our current system could solve the problem with the way promoters would gather information from the patrons entering his club. He informed me that the promoters would use a camcorder device to take a picture of each ID entering the facility, then have a data entry person look at that image and enter each name and address into a database for later marketing. When promotional fliers went out to these patrons many would come back undeliverable due to human data entry error causing a loss in postage and patron attrition. Furthermore, the promoters would utilize his database to open up competing venues. After much thought, I informed him that we could scan the media on the back of all IDs to enter the information into a database with 100% accuracy, and he would maintain ownership of the collected names. Soon after we added ID validation checks into the system, amongst other features, solving many more of his issues. The complete line of IDetect product ID Scanners patch a major security leak in any facility that requires age verification. With a simple swipe of any government issued ID, the user of the IDetect system quickly can determine whether the scanned ID is real, tempered with, part of a Watch List, or has a special directive associated with it. The IDetect ID Scanner is very easy to use and proven to be highly effective. IDetect’s ID Scanners capability has many innovative uses and is in practice all over North America and Canada. The IDetect ID Scanners have already shown to be very useful for other markets such as bars, nightclubs, liquor stores, convenience stores, casinos, colleges, universities, festivals, hotels, corporate human resource departments, and special events. IDetect ID Age scanners come ready to use out of the box. They are easy to use, very fast, and very effective in stopping tampered with IDs, shared ID’s, and entrants who are banned for any reason. They alert the door people within 1/4 of a second whether an entrant is a threat in any way and directs the user on what action to take. IDetect ID Scanners keep an automated list of all pertinent records collected at the entrance which can be used to assist law enforcement in case of an altercation, or if a previous entrant needs to be found. IDetect Age Verification ID Scanners full functionality have assisted in apprehending five separate perpetrators of various crimes throughout North America by utilizing IDetect’s exclusive entrant picture, and data collected from the ID Scan. Automatically upon an identification scan, the entrant’s picture is automatically taken and saved with entry information, and then in one step the actual ID picture is taken and also saved. The picture is clear, exact, and can be used to locate any individual in seconds. It is fast, accurate, and protects the user from liability, fines, and liquor license and tobacco license revocation. This feature, coupled with the automatic picture of the entrant, and the IDetect ID scanner’s time and date stamp entry history feature, is pertinent information that assists in leading an investigation. IDetect will also work with Aloha, Digital Dining and other POS systems, which dramatically lowers the cost to under $1,000 and negates the need for another piece of hardware at club entry points, since the IDetect scanning information just pops up on the Aloha POS screen. In what ways does your company practice corporate social responsibility? IDetect takes client needs including their legal advisors into consideration when creating enhancements and modifications to all functions of our offerings, much of the time at little to no added expense. IDetect by far has created the most customizations to meet the laws of each state in the USA, and Canadian provinces. Because of this IDetect’s products have become the most sought after, and most trusted in the industry. It is IDetect’s rule that every technical support call will be addressed the same day no matter when the call arrives, and will do whatever is needed to remedy every clients need. How does your company earn the business of a governmental entity such as the FBI or Secret Service? What is it about you, your company or your product that made them comfortable enough to do business with you? Every government entity that has purchased IDetect’s products has gone through a lengthy and extensive search of all products and companies in the ID authentication market. They all came to the same conclusion that IDetect by far had the most usable features for the fairest price, and that all of our systems were very easy to use. They also appreciated my clear understanding of the industry, the direction of the company and products, and how it related to their needs. They did not get that from the other companies they considered. It takes great energy, and drive. To be a forward thinker with industry needs and to implement these ideas into clear, concise, easy to use system functionality. Most of all to care more about clients than the monetary needs of the company. Always treat customer support as the main effort to help the end user no matter what their need so that they know that the company cares that they are happy with the product. Why are you willing to offer a discount and your product to “the strip club” industry? We feel that it is important that the Ace International members gain an additional benefit from their membership since IDetect is entrusted with the confidence of ACE. What makes your company better than your competitors? Simply put we have many more features at a better price. IDetect is the longest standing ID scanning company with 26 years of success in the industry. We have been developing market needed features and fine tuning them for each one of those years. Our systems are the fastest, easiest to use, and most accurate by far, and most importantly we take care of client’s needs before anything else. We do not have exuberant mandatory monthly, and/or per scan fees as our competitors do for the same service, our units are built from the ground up just for ID scanning, and we are located in the USA. What type of discount are you offering ACE National members and the national association? 5% off of all IDetect products. Kaplan conducted extensive research on all ID scanning systems on the market—even taking the step of building a chart to understand what offered club owners the best in scanning systems. “I don’t see how you can beat this,” he said. “It’s the best ID Verification system on the market and Mike is great to work with.” Contact Michael Sengstaken at where he can send out a unit for you and your managers to try and simulate a banned list and other features. Call Michael at 1(631)686-5069 or email him at |