IDetect ID Scanning System has assisted in preventing numerous offenders in our nightclub because of its automatic drivers license picture taking functionality. I would recommend this product to anyone trying to protect their liquor license and their livelihood. -Tony Caldarola, Copacabana, NYC With IDetects custom wristband feature we know that everyone in our nightclub has been id scan verified and paid. We can also spot an underage drinker from a distance because they get a different color wristband from the drinking crowd. We have not received a fine or warning since using IDetect ID Scanners. - Sean Croce, Doc Rickets Lab, Monterey, CA As a skeptical buyer of age verification systems, I thoroughly checked every ID Scanning System on the market. By far IDetect ID Scanners had the best product with the most features for the money. -Brian Saldana, Shamrock Inn, Clifton, NJ The local precinct kept doing sting operations at my club attempting to issue fines, and take away our liquor license. Once I started using IDetect ID Scanners, the police stopped even trying to enter, and got back in their car to perform their operation on the next club. -Nick Campo, Don Hills, New York, NY I catch entrants trying to share a drivers license ID with their friend, brother or sister constantly. Not only does IDetect ID Scanners signal that a drivers license ID is being shared, it also brings up the picture of the actual owner of the identification ID in use. IDetect ID Scanning Systems is a very powerful age verification system - Maynard Cowan, Santa Fe National Tobacco Company I'm not a club owner, I bounce. I am very big on laughter and wanted to share this with you guys at IDetect. I will never forget the first night we started using your ID Scanners. Once the entrants were getting close to the door entry way and witnessed these quick snap shots of the ID camera to verify ID, you can tell who had fake id's, they actually fell off the line after waiting 30 - 60 minutes to get in our nightclub. So now it's at the point of them just seeing that we are serious of verifying their identity and they remove themselves from the line. But of course there are the select few who will take the risk and we catch them with fake or shared identification. It's a serious offense to get caught using fake identification, but these kids do not realize it until they get caught. - Michael De'Luca, New Jersey Shore |